Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cowboy Casanova

I spent most of my weekend wrapping up a few commissions--and in between I fussed with this guy. You'll see a lot more of Casanova as I photographed the bejeezus out of him, documenting every step. He will be the main illustration for a few future tutorials. Here's a preview:



  1. Maybe this will be the topic of a tutorial, but I would love to see some in between photos on the sculpting of his neck, going from masking tape to fully muscled and all. He looks great!

  2. Yup, I'll be including some in progress photos of necks plus a bunch of illustrations of neck muscles. :)

  3. AWESOME! Maybe I'll put my neckless customs aside until I get to learn from your experience.

  4. Is he sold/will he be forsale? I think I'm in love!

  5. I'm not planning on selling him at the moment, but I've changed my mind on such things before. Either way, I will have a slew of custom classic Love molds for the Artisan's Gallery this year. The theme is "Mustang Madness." :)

  6. Well this is just a brilliant idea. I tend to sculpt my tails "freeform" (read: reckless abandon) and they of course always end up being much bigger than I planned. I am definitely going to try this!

  7. yes me too!.. reckless abandon is a good way to put it I know a few other people who do it with tape like this.. I think I'll try it myself next time.. great post laura. and I love this guy! I have been looking for a body like this myself.. I sold the remake on the one I did.. I have the love mustang set and one of the classic thourbreds.swaps I think.... but want this little Qh mare and stud....I really love "Love" pieces! lol cant wait to see this new guy in paint.. he is really cute.. you dod a great on on him!
    Rebecca Turner
