Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Blogging Goal

I've debating starting a Facebook page for me studio, but I thought it was touch redundant. Instead, I'm trying a new experiment. I'm going to try to post at least a picture a day of what I'm currently working on in the studio or of recent work I haven't shown before.

I work faster against a deadline, so I'm hoping a daily deadline might increase my output. Or it will suck up time I could be painting. Who knows.

A custom Nokota who's shipping out today to Lauren Tapley/Hoeffer:


The thing under his hoof is masking tape covering an acrylic rod. And yes, he's sitting on a chair. I've been toying with his base for a while and trying to push the limits of what will hold up a heavy drastic custom without being unstable.

This guys is a part of project "Desert Fish," which is top secret for now. Details to come when we're closer to Breyerfest.

1 comment:

Urbangoatgirl said...

I'll be looking forward to seeing what you and Lauren cook up! It's going to be exciting no doubt. Sadly, I won't be able to come to Kentucky this year.